Social Outreach
about the pma social outreach
The Pinelands Muslim Association has many arms. One of its far-reaching tentacles is undoubtedly the well-established and expanding Social Outreach programme which is run by a dedicated team, who gives their time and resources to keep our waqqaf programme alive.
“Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbour, the neighbour farther away, the companion at your side, the traveller, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.” [The Holy Qur’an, An-Nisa 4:36]
Who we are
It all began about 5 years ago with the soup kitchen in the days when we had a small room with a gas stove and a basic kitchen sink. The kitchen was eventually extended ALHAMDULILLĀH and now holds an industrial double sink, 2 large working area tables, 3 Gas stoves, a mechanical extract fan and a double-fridge and double freezer. We are dedicated to serving neighbouring and outer communities around the Cape Peninsular who are in need.
May Allah Almighty make all our Masjid project members followers of the teachings of the Qu’ran and Sunnah and grant them Blessings for their service to the community.
- Contact - Pma Social Outreach Number - Zulfah Wagner - 076 381 5219
- A 6-day a week ‘soup’ kitchen (7 days in Ramadaan) 21 pots p/ wk = 450 pple per day = 2 and a half thousand p/ week (DHAL, NOODLES & AKHNI).
- 100 loaves bread
- Satellite kitchens (provide ingredients and utensils to communities to cook their own food)
- Ramadaan programmes (Clothe an Orphan, Toiletry drive, Old-age care packages, Fitra and Suhoor parcels, Garden Village daily boeka treats
- Qurbaan programme which is donated for the soup kitchen
- Women abuse support programme.
you can make a difference
How you can help
The kitchen always needs:
• Salt
• Oil
• Dhal
• Sugar beans
• Onions
• Potatoes
• Meat
• Chicken
• Marvello
• Peas
• Carrots
• R1000 – Soya Akhni / Noddles
• R1500 – Carrots & Peas/ dhal/ Akhni
Each pot feeds 350-400 people
If you are a lawyer, counsellor, psychologist or social worker you could volunteer on a rotational basis to assist with our abused women through our Womens’ desk. For enquiries, please contact Radia Razack 0845131643